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CITI Training Modules:

All IRB Members are required to complete CITI Human Subjects Protection training and CITI’s “What Every New IRB Member Needs to Know” course.

Please follow these steps to complete CITI training:

  1. Go to
  2. Chose the UNC Onyen Login option
  3. Select University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Courses
  4. In the My Learner Tools box, select Add a Course
  5. Scroll down the page and select: I would like to review the Human Subjects Protection (“IRB”) modules, and click Next
  6. Scroll down the page and select: Group 1 Biomedical Research, and click Next
  7. Complete the Group 1 Biomedical Research modules in the order they are presented. If you get questions incorrect, you can re-take the quiz with no penalty.
  8. Once completed, please notify
    Within 48 business hours, the UNC Human Research Ethics Training database will be updated with your CITI training records.

Conflict of Interest Training:

Conflict of interest (COI) training is now available at the website: Upon consultation with the Provost and the Vice Chancellor for Research, the Chancellor has determined the COI training should be completed by all individuals who are involved in research. Individuals can include faculty, staff, students or trainees.

Resource Information IRB Members